
Accessibility features

Part of the site is a special tool that allows additional accessibility features of the site. It appears when you click on the accessibility icon in the lower right corner. It offers:

  • easy navigation with keys on the keyboard,
  • larger mouse pointer in white or black,
  • light and dark contrast,
  • display of colors in grays,
  • use of a standard font more suitable for people with dyslexia,
  • larger font size; bold,
  • highlighted links.

Keyboard shortcuts make it easier for visitors to use the site:

  • display accessibility options(Ctrl + U),
  • display sitemap (Ctrl + Alt + K),
  • jump to main content (Ctrl + Alt + V),
  • return to home page (Ctrl + Alt + D),
  • close pop-up /menu/  (Esc),
  • shift the focus to the next item (Tab),
  • shift the focus to the previous item (Shift + Tab),
  • focus element confirmation (Enter),
  • highlighting/unmarking the focused element (Spacebar).

Feedback and contact information

If you wish to inform us about anything regarding the adaptation of the portal for persons with special needs, you can contact us.